City of Tempest
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Begginers guide

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Begginers guide Empty Begginers guide

Post  chucknorris Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:56 pm

its an old beginners guide by sadface, its a bit out of date now but it should be still usefull for new players

Welcome to City of Tempest.

This is only a brief guide for beginners to the game and obviously the guide will not be of much use for the average inhouser since they should know all of this anyway.

City of Tempest is a 3v3 MOBA mod where the aim is to destroy the opponents' final building first. In order to advance through the defences you need to destroy all the previous defenses first. Eg You need to kill all bunkers before you can attack the tier 2 defences and so on.

There are effectively 3 types of heroes:

Lane pushers:

Heroes that can take down base defenses incredibly efficiently and they fundamentally control the lane by forcing the opponent to constantly try and kill creep or else risk losing the experience/gas to turrets.

Normally pushers should be in the outer lanes as there is less chance of being ganked while pushing in comparison to the middle lane.

As a pusher your focus should be to take down structures whenever possible (altho you need to coordinate as part of your team cos someone stealing a bunker can be the most frustrating thing ever) and in team fights you should just stay near the back generally as pushers are normally squishy and just use your spells as support dps for your team (or if you have a slow just spam that)

Notable lane pushers: Sylon, Dark Fact, Soul Hunter (soul wave), Gaia

Supporters :

Heroes that effectively aim to trap/gank/slow/zone opposing heroes for your allies so they will have an easier time in their lane. Supporters normally control a lane by zoning and then look for opportunities to help your team mates.

A supporting hero should generally be in the middle lane to have access to both lanes to help your teammates.

If you're playing a supporting hero you need to have good map awareness and keep tags on where everything is. In the early game you should try to gain at least partial lane control (at least enough to help out anybody in the side lanes) and in team fights your focus should be to slow down/trap their main damage dealer/carry or as many people as possible so that your team can land combos much easier.

Notable support heroes: Abel, Soul Hunter, Zava, Phantom Gazette


Heroes that just aim to kill opposing heroes and they attempt to control lanes by just killing heroes and starving them.

Snipers should generally be in the outer lanes as it is easier to camp towers, and ambush opposing heroes. Although some snipers like geist and vaguillion can do well in the middle due to their cliffwalk.

If you're playing a sniper you don't typically have very good creep control so your aim would be to starve your opponent by constantly killing them and gain control of the lane in that fashion. Snipers require more potion usage than the other two hero types. After you feel like you have crippled your opponent you should aim to help control the middle while keeping your opponent in check. In team fights your role is to snipe any hero that is over extended/trapped/weakened or just aim to snipe their carry if your level is on par with his.

Notable Snipers: Melee heroes, Mechatron, Vaguillion, Zava

Beginner builds for heroes:


2-mana mana

3-mana mana

4-attack attack

ultimate around level 8 and max speed by level 14 or so (the speed stacking should just depend on what you feel like) and after u maxed attack thats when u should put the rest of ur points into armour/health (except for heroes with summons in which case its almost a free style choice of when to put health into summons and but a rough guideline is after like 10 attack or so if ur focusing on summon play)

health vs armour choices:


-stacks linearly which makes it more useful than armour in the early-mid game

-main reasons to choose health are to increase early-midgame health pot effectiveness and also to survive combos that would generally one shot u otherwise

-also certain moves (great explosion, dark true strike, final judgement, kaiser tempest) ignore armour so its beneficial to choose health over armour if you're against a carry that has an armour ignoring move or the opposing team has 2 or more of those moves in their arsenal


-stacks exponentially making it more useful in the lategame (somebody said its 30 armour thats the threshold for it to be more useful when using health pots and i cba checking)

-main reason to choose armour is if ur the carry on the team and health pots arent a staple in your midgame (unless ur using mode in which case armour is more useful anyway) as you would hav more gas as the carry normally and you will most likely hit the lategame stage first in which case armour would be more efficient

-choose armour if u decide to go into a tanking play (eg 70-80 armour mode hero with a card) but this need team coordination and role decisions

(hybrid builds:

- you may want to put 5 health points or so before level 15 just to ensure ur early-mid game survival and then proceed to put in armour after you max your attack for the lategame aspect tho these builds arent really advised for beginners as you probably wont be in that many potion battles and even if you are you probably wont be able to win the potion fight if you got hit first but survived the whole combo.)

after you're familiar with a hero, you may wish to fine tune your build for a certain role etc (eg for b9 a 3 mana eco build or 4 mana DW for aggro janne)

Beginner Shop Build:

mana regen, mana regen, speed, shield/regen (and proceed in this fashion until you max both and buy the teleport at some point around 2k shield).

Also if you are used to this build try buying potions after your first/second regen and try to learn to combo opposing heroes when they get in range. (once you learn potions you basically cant go back to a non potion based play) also if you're playing melee or any sniper you should learn to use potions as soon as possible as they fall behind quickly if you cant kill your opponent

after you maxed shields and regen you should max health/armour (this should be the same stat as you are committing to in your mineral build)

Early game Strategies: (lvls 1-8 or so)

aim to kill 1 crate(some heroes can kill both at the same time) then move on to kill the first wave of marines and while you're killing his marines try and spread your own marines by moving in between them (this reduces the splash damage on the marines and should provide you with an edge if your opponent did not split too) and obviously only split against heroes with splash attacks or else you're wasting your time.

As a beginner dont try to kill people too early because chances are they will get away and you've just run through a lot of creep damage and wasted a hell of a lot of time (but sure if ur guaranteed a kill just go ahead). Focus on the creep instead and try and hit both creep and the opponent if possible otherwise just kill the creep.

dont try to open up the rocks this early as its normally just a waste of time when you could be pushing creep/getting experience/looking for a pot kill

Mid Game Strategies: (lvls 8-16 or so)

here is where it gets interesting, you should have enough regen by now to farm easily and also you should have your ultimate as well (most ultimates are strong pvp based moves). If you're comfortable in using potions, here is when you should be looking for a kill to gain lane control and proceed to try and kill structures/control the middle lane/help out teammates.

open up the rocks at this stage if you are in an outer lane to help out the middle or escape a high pressure outer lane and attempt to farm your own creep from the high towers in the midlane (the mid hero shouldnt really be responsible for opening up the rocks but may choose to do so anyway due to time/presure/location of the person you wish to gank)

Lategame strategies: (lvl 17+)

Stick with your carrying player, move around as a team and take out any stragglers and proceed to push as a group. However, it is also possible to backdoor and take out a whole set of defenses if your other 2 players are capable of occupying all 3 opponents but in general it is much safer to move in a group of 3 and push/pvp in that manner.

also by this stage start buying respawn times if u havnt already done so because this is the point where a quick respawn makes all the difference sometimes.

Dont bother with silos unless the game is gridlocked and u need to force your opponents to leave a camping position

keep at least 1-1 pots on you at this stage to provide a boost in crucial fights, also if you have bought everything from the shop that you need, start buying cards from the card shop. a good idea is to use the magic shield card and the speed card as a minimum to increase ur survivability and if u have enough gas buy some other cards depending on your role in the team. also if ur having trouble breaking the final building try and coordinate a 3 man full card full pot push (tho this requires a serious amount of gas) and that single push should decide the outcome of the game if both teams are at the final building stage.

Useful advanced tactics:

potion combos – using a potion to provide a burst of mana to unload a combination of spells against opposing heroes/structures to quickly demolish health

charge cancelling – basically uses the charge mechanic to dash all over the map (look in the guide section for a vod explaining it tho the vod is LONG)

shift queueing – useful with certain spells like turrets and is done exactly how it sounds (there is also a vod for this if u really wanna watch it)

baiting - pretending to be vulnerable and an easy target for lone enemies and then moving back in range to your allies the moment they commit to chasing you.

Tower control – not so much a tactic as just general good sense... whenever possible try to maintain control of the xel-naga towers as it gives you vision and vision is effectively map control.

creep/big exp tank timing - there are some notable times for which you should clear out creep/the big tanks to gain the most exp and gas etc... for more information read the spawn timing guide...

early mana cards - useful for early game farming/pushing but requires some calculations to get the most out of it and if u die with it then u end up in a pretty big hole

cards in general - temporary buffs that can provide a huge benefit to the player but buying cards for the sake of buying cards is just a waste of gas, the most useful 2 cards are generally the speed card and the magic shield card for the mid-late phase of the game although good card choices at crucial times can often flip the momentum of the game around (eg korean 5th tourney where sch decides to basically turn himself into a fast glass cannon to just go on killing sprees)

Hope this helps the newer players and tbh I dont really know what to say other than after u learnt the basics go play inhouses


Posts : 11
Join date : 2012-12-21

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